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Business expenses

How to encode professional expenses ?
The professional expenses form allows for encoding the main informations needed for accounting and VAT and tax statements.

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Main informations

  • Expense description : memento field (ex.: "June gas", "Computer purchase", "Cellphone invoice", ...)
  • Expense reference : invoice number, reference
  • Expense type : expense category (pre-encoded or personnalized)
  • Purchase type : merchandise, goods, services, ... (information useful to VAT statement)
  • Expense date : expense date (used for sorting order and period statements)
  • Payment date : payment date of the expense
  • Payment mean
  • Place of purchase


  • Total VAT included : total amount VAT included
  • Ratio pro : professional percentage
  • Pro amount tax excluded : pro amount tax excluded (calculated value)

VAT data

  • VAT amount : total amount of VAT
  • VAT rate : VAT percentage (calculated value)
  • Ratio VAT max : the VAT maximum ratio is an accounting rule linked to the expense type (ex.: 50% for cars, 0% for restaurants, ...)
  • Deductible VAT : amount of deductible VAT (calculated value)
  • Cocontracting rule : VAT rule concerning the cocontracting workers (building company, gardener, ...)

Tax data

  • Rejected expenses : the "rejected expenses" is a percentage linked to the exepense type (ex.: 31% for restaurants, ...)
  • Deductible amount : deductible amount after the rejected percentage taken into account (calculated value)
  • Depreciation : concerns to goods wearing off by time
  • Nb years : number of yearsfor depreciation
  • Yearly deduction : yearly deductible amount (calculated value)


  • Background color : background color of the line in the expenses list
  • Text color : text color of the exepense showing in the list
  • Save those parameters for futurs expenses of this type : save the colors and parameters for further expenses of this type
How do I know my tax situation?
Your tax status is displayed in the "Expenses" section.

You will find a summary of invoiced, deductible and due VAT in the toolbar on the left.

Situation TVA

To view the summary of a given period (a quarter for example), you can use the "Period" menu  in the top search bar, or even specify the dates "From " and "To"

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How to manage depreciation ?
Above a defined amount (250 € in Belgium), the professionnal expenses have to be depreciated in several years.

No need for complicated tables anymore, just input the number of years of depreciation inside the expense form and AMI will take care of all the calculations for the yearly deductions (visible in the taxes estimate and the accounting results).

The depreciation duration depends of the object and the usage you'll make of it.

In general most accountants use standard durations, such as :
- new vehicle : 5 years
- used vehicle : 3 years
- computer: 3 years
Managing cash book

All self-employed people are required to keep a cash book as part of their accounts


This book contains all the transactions carried out on your company's accounts.

Many self-employed people still record this in spreadsheets such as Excel, which can lead to numerous errors.
The good news is that AMI Project offers you automatic, centralized encoding!

Add transactions

Incoming (business expenses) and outgoing (sales invoices) transactions will be added automatically.
For others (payment of VAT statements, transfers between accounts, etc.), you can still add them manually.

Add a transaction

At the end of the year, export your summary for printing, or save it to attach to your tax return.

Recap treasury
Is it possible to remove a type of expense?

Your accounting must remain intact for 7 years.

It is therefore not possible to delete an expense type that is still in use, even if it is from previous years.

However, if you wish to delete an unused expense type, you can communicate this to us via e-mail or technical support.
How do I import/export my accounting?

You can import and export your business expenses in CSV format.

  • To communicate with another accounting program
  • To make your backup copies

The CSV file format is readable by Excel or any other spreadsheet program (Libreoffice Calc for example).

To know the name of the different supported columns, click once on the "Export to CSV" button to get a sample file.

To date, the supported columns are as follows:
  • expense_date : expense date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • location : country
  • zone : expense zone (local, EU, abroad)
  • kind : kind of expense (service ou product)
  • reference : expense reference (invoice number)
  • description : expense description (free text)
  • total_tax_included : total amount including VAT
  • professional_ratio : professional percentage
  • non_deductible_ratio : non-deductible percentage
  • pro_amount_tax_free : professional amount excluding VAT
  • deductible_amount : deductible amount (applied non-deductible percentage)
  • depreciation : number of years of depreciation (1 = no depreciation)
  • tax_max_ratio : maximum VAT deduction percentage (VAT ceiling)
  • tax_amount : total amount of VAT
  • tax_counterparty : co-contracting rule (0 ou 1)
  • tax_rate : VAT rate on invoice
  • tax_rate_local : local VAT rate (for the calculation of intra-community or co-contracting VAT)
  • deductible_tax : amount of deductible VAT
  • non_deductible_tax : non-deductible VAT amount (see VAT ceiling)
  • payment_date : payment date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • payment_status : payment status (paid, unpaid, partial)
  • payment_mean : payment mean (free text)
  • expense_type : type of expense (miscellaneous or free text)
  • creation_date : date of encoding of the expense (format YYYY-MM-DD)