Frequently asked questions

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How can I import my customers database ?
The buttons "Import CSV " in "Clients" allows you to transfer your database .

CSV functions as a simplified Excel spreadsheet that contains the data .
Most tabs and accounting programs are able to export this kind of file.

To know our current format, the easiest way is to export once the file by clicking "Export to CSV " .
This will give you an overview of the different columns you can add.

ATTENTION : no processing will be performed during the import, make sure the data is accurate (VAT number, email address , etc.)

Some programs like Excel offer different options when exporting CSV, be sure to choose the encoding "UTF-8 without BOM " and the semicolon separator (;).

CSV file format
Why do my clients have to accept my electronic documents?
Electronic invoicing is still young and some legal constraints apply to it.

If you want to send your documents via personalized emails on AMI Project, it is necessary to make sure that your customers accept them.

Simply check the box "I wish to send my documents electronically to this client" in your client's form.
An email containing the acceptance link will be sent, and you will be automatically notified of its response.

To customize the acceptance email, go to "My Settings> Personalize My Email" and select "Electronic Billing Warning" from the drop-down menu.

Image not found

The answer can have the following values:
  • Accepted
  • Not accepted
  • Not asked